Unity3D 3.5 public beta (download)
Update: (new beta version available) http://unity3d.com/unity/preview/download !!! “Once you have opened your project in 3.5 Developer Preview it will no longer open in previous versions of Unity.” (I managed to open 3.5 files in 3.4, but there are few errors you need to fix manually..)
Conversations with Apple Support :)
So I was trying to access one apple developer link the other day, but the link didnt work. I reported it to the support, which then replied: I am following up with you regarding your issue accessing Link. Please be advised that we recommend using […]
Metablob shader testing
Metablob shader testing. 2D metablobs..hmm..could this be used for (2D) fluids somehow? Instructions: – New scene – Add plane, Location: 0,0,0 Rotation: 0,0,0 – Add camera, Location: 0,10,0 Rotation: 90,0,0 (its looking down the plane) – Add material using this shader to the plane, you […]
Plasma shader testing.. (v2)
Testing some shaders. Trying to convert a plasma GLSL shader to unity.. not working properly yet. (and still looking for a good shader tutorial for beginner..: / ) The main code should be under fragment shader I guess..(?) The original GLSL shader doesnt give any […]
Follow / Push object v2.0
Two-segmented arm that follows the cursor position Might be useful for puzzle games or car parking?? Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFollow2 Original source: http://processing.org/learning/topics/follow2.html Download webplayer package: (unity js) (coming later..)
Follow / Push object
Follow / push object around. Might be useful for something..?? Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFollow1/ Original source: http://processing.org/learning/topics/follow1.html Download webplayer package: (unity js) (coming soon..) Source: (.js)
Convay – Game of Life (Unity C#)
Convay – Game of Life, unity c# version (ported from prosessing) See wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life Going to try using 3D boxes later, instead of drawing pixels on a plane.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mConvay1/ Download webplayer source: (C#) mConvay.unitypackage
2D Water/fluid fx
2D water test. (converted from processing/java source) More info later.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mwater2d1/ Download source: mWaves2D1.unitypackage
Unity iOS and Android Pro : Save 15% (until 30.11)
Check you emails (if you have joined unity mailing list) Unity iOS and Android Pro Save 15% on Pro Mobile Add-ons Your personal code: …. This promotion expires November 30th, 2011
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