Custom Unity Hub Project Template Preview Image/Video (using HTML+CSS in package description)
Steps WARNING! VIDEO forum post: https://forum.unity.com/threads/workaround-custom-icon-and-preview-image-for-your-new-project-templates.1554800/
Customize UnityHub colors
It seems to be common request to have light color theme as an option for the new unity 3.0 hub.. so, while unity is working on that(?), you can edit and customize the hub yourself! Steps (New 06.03.2022, see comments for info that can edit […]
Unity Asset Store MegaBundle (October 2021)
New Asset Store MegaBundle, have a free referral link here:https://assetstore.unity.com/mega-bundles/fill-your-toolbox?aid=1101lGti(From October 13, 2021 00:00:00 PT through October 31, 2021, 23:59:59 PT)
Velodyne Lidar Viewer for Unity
New plugin is now available in asset store, Velodyne Lidar Viewer.Supports Puck & UltraPuck models. Links AssetStore: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/velodyne-lidar-viewer-158846?aid=1101lGtiIssues & Docs: https://github.com/unitycoder/VelodyneLidarViewer Initial Features – Supported lidar devices: UltraPuck (VLP32C), Puck (VLP16) – Large PCAP file streaming (stream from disk, required for +2gb pcap files, but […]
Reading Minecraft World into Unity (using Substrate)
Quick test for reading Minecraft worlds into unity.Note: example code uses particle for each block, so it gets pretty slow. Compile Substrate.dll:– download this repository https://github.com/minecraft-dotnet/Substrate – unzip, open Substrate-master\SubstrateCS\Substrate.sln– Solution Explorer: Right click over Substrate (NET4), Set As Startup Project– Select Release (from the […]
Read File from Oculus Quest /sdcard/ Folder
New 2023 (more limitations) “This is because the Quest OS v53 now uses Android 12, which limits the way apps can access storage. From the developers of Polysketch: – No Access— /sdcard/Polysketch/– Can create folders, but not files— /sdcard/Android/Polysketch/– Full folder & file creation— /sdcard/Android/Android/data/com.PolysketchLLC.Polysketch/files […]
Use adb logcat with Colors
Had problems finding some Debug.LogError messages in the android logcat output, so googled around and sure enough you can enable output colors easily! Just add -v color parameter: adb logcat -s Unity ActivityManager PackageManager dalvikvm DEBUG -v color Note: Default windows Command Prompt doesn’t support […]
Unity Launcher (handle different projects & unity versions easily)
It was almost midnight, I wanted to open certain project with a specific unity version, just to check something before going to sleep.. but clicked the wrong icon (not the first time, got plenty of them on the desktop), waited that long unity boot-up time […]
Browser plugin: Add Copy-button to unity scripting docs
Using GreaseMonkey (Firefox) the script below will add Copy-to-clipboard-button into scripts at unity documentation website. – Supports multiple scripts per page – New: Adds copy button to forum code snippets also *Best used with this unity editor plugin (so its 1 click to copy from […]
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Recent Comments
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- [Asset Store] Point Cloud Viewer & Tools on
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- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
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- Install Android SDK+JDK+NDK for Unity (without AndroidStudio or Unity Hub) on
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