Terrain Tools Updates [asset store]
Small post about coming Terrain Tools updates (and since its currently in sale at asset store, can grab it at discounted price 🙂 (Also feel free to request new features) Some of the new updates: – Extra tool: Splatmap generator from terrain (for quick testing […]
[Asset Store] Terrain Tools
I’ve started to update & maintain this Tom’s Terrain Tool’s package (as the original owner is busy and he was looking for someone to continue working on this). It’s basically a tool for using splatmaps (externally generated) to generate terrains inside unity (with trees, roads […]
Terrain test (2)
New terrain test (looks better than the old terrain test). Still problems creating a splatmap in world machine (it becomes overbright >1), havent found any tutorial how to do it automatically in wm2 – searched the whole internet (twice). This version almost works, some color […]
World Machine Terrain Test
Some World Machine terrain heightmap + textures on Unity terrain (doesnt look good at near distance) Seems quite low resolution? Using default specular terrain shader. Maybe some of these shaders would be better, http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/146808-ats-Colormap-terrain-shader-RELEASED Check the new test also: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2013/02/21/terrain-test-2/ Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/TerrainTest1/ Download source: later.. […]
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