Registry fix for: Opening .UnityPackage in currently Active Unity (instead of opening new Unity instance)
I think after installing 5.6 32bit unity, it broke the Windows Explorer default application feature – Where clicking UnityPackage in Explorert would open in any currently active Unity instance.(instead it started opening new Unity instance every time).Found solution in forums (link) Here is Registry Fix […]
UI Gradient Slider Bar (no scripts)
Simple UI slider setup for creating gradient slider bar (good for health / fuel bars etc). Uses UI Mask to hide gradient texture based on slider fill. Unity Project:https://github.com/unitycoder/UIGradientSliderBar
Find out which script Disabled or Enabled this GameObject?
Small script to help tracking who disabled or enabled gameobject,https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Helpers/Debug/WhoDisabledOrEnabled.cs Usage:– Add script to the gameobject you need to track– press play– see console for the error messages, select the error message row, and see stack trace for the calling script names and lines.
[Sources] Unfinished 2D Snooker test
Uploaded sources for this old unfinished 2D pool scene. Its using GL extension to draw “debug” lines (works in runtime also) , and 2D circlecast to find predicted collision lines. Sources:https://github.com/unitycoder/Snooker2D
Velodyne Lidar Viewer for Unity
New plugin is now available in asset store, Velodyne Lidar Viewer.Supports Puck & UltraPuck models. Links AssetStore: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/velodyne-lidar-viewer-158846?aid=1101lGtiIssues & Docs: https://github.com/unitycoder/VelodyneLidarViewer Initial Features – Supported lidar devices: UltraPuck (VLP32C), Puck (VLP16) – Large PCAP file streaming (stream from disk, required for +2gb pcap files, but […]
Shader: Color Cycling
Color Cycling Shader test, because. Shader Source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Effects/ColorCycle.shader How it works?Gray color value is used to pick color from the gradient, if gray texture pixel is 0.5, then you get that turquoise color from gradient texture.
Shader: Scrolling Texture With Fill Amount (line renderer)
Quick test shader for this thread https://forum.unity.com/threads/smooth-filling-of-the-2d-pipe-with-texture.845848/#post-5584480 Shader source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Patterns/ScrollingFill.shader Sample fbx file (used in screenshot)https://github.com/unitycoder/BlogUploads/blob/master/models/lineuv.FBX
Particle System: Drawing Arrows Aligned to Moving Direction
Quick setup for this, Particle System:– Renderer/Mode: Stretched Particles– Camera Scale:0, Speed Scale: 0.1, Length Scale: 0 Arrow texture png
Scale Canvas and UI with Screen Size
How to:From Canvas component, Canvas Scaler:– UI Scale Mode: “Scale with Screen Size”– Reference Resolution : 800 x 600– Screen Match Mode: Match with Width or Height– Match: 1 RectTransform settings for Text TextMeshPro:(other RectTransform values are default, like pivot)
Shader: Drawing Circles Pattern
Drawing Pattern of Circles in shader. (test for this forum topic) Shader:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Patterns/CirclesPattern.shader References:– Drawing Shapes : https://thebookofshaders.com/07/– Drawing Patterns : https://thebookofshaders.com/09/
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