360 Panorama Reflection Shader
Tried to convert this webgl shader to unity.. but its not working yet. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/360ReflectionShader_unity/ (v2.0) Download Source: (webplayer scene) 360panoramaFakeReflection.unityPackage Source v1.0 (broken): – Can anyone spot what could be the problem..or are the textures just wrong? I have no idea about those matrix […]
Radial Blur Shader
Using the same godrays shader, you get nice radial blur effect for images. This one is also modified to use objectUV, instead of screenUV, so you can rotate the plane around.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/Radial_Blur_shader_unity/ *webplayer broken in current unity webplayer version? Shader source:
Fake Godrays Shader
Godrays shader on a plane texture.. since no RenderToTexturein indie. ( Converted to unity from this webgl shader) Should try it as a camera shader also.. Features: – Adjustable values: effect xy position, exposure, decay, density, weight, clamp, samples (screenshot is using 100 samples) Webplayer: […]
Marching Cubes Voxel Terrain
Marching cubes terrain sculpting v2.0 (this is also based to the earlier webgl port) Current Features: – Can add / remove ground – Special shader for blending materials (based on world Y) – Moved raycasting to camera, can add multiple chunks (but they are not […]
Marching Cubes (Javascript)
Converted this Marching Cubes(three.js/webgl) to Unity Javascript – Added image#3 (using perlin noise to generate caves) – Added profiler image, fatal error image, neighbour chunk connection problem.. – Changed default unity arrays to Lists(), much faster now – Added some new images – Now digging […]
Testing Mecanim + Biped
Tried to follow the mecanim tutorial from here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGXns8GemU0 (Unity 4 – Using Mecanim) Had to do few things differently to make it work..(also the current UI seems to be different from that video?) Here’s the (modified) steps from the video to get your own […]
Water Shader Test (from 3ds max shader)
Tried to convert this .fx shader to unity, almost works, but not quite the same yet.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/3dsmaxwatershader_unity1/ Download source: maxWater5.unityPackage
Water Shader Test (from minecraft plugin)
Tried to convert one minecraft water shader to Unity.. some bugs left, as it doesnt really look that nice? (although havent seen the original in action..) Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/minecraftwatershaderpluginUnity1/ Shader source:
Flying inside 3D Perlin Cave
Never-ending perlin caves to explore! Current features: – Unlimited cave flying – Plasma(?) cannon – Moving around with keys (wasd/arrow keys) – Shooting with mousebutton – 1 stone material – added: light source, shooting sound, block destruction, basic collision detection for movement (not for player […]
XYZ Point Cloud Data Viewer (DX11)
Latest version is here >> Check new page here: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2014/03/19/asset-store-point-cloud-viewer-unity/ Quick test for reading XYZ point cloud data and displaying it using DX11 features. Current info: – 1 million points works fine (60fps with no update loop, 20fps with pos.x+1 for each point in a […]
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Recent Comments
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