mParticleFX v1.0 (update #1)
Testing particle effects.. – Read particle colors from bitmap image – Add some movement effects 19.11.2011: Added webplayer demo Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mparticlefx1/ Download source: (.js) Messy & bugged webplayer package: mParticleFx1.unitypackage
Real-time 3D Perlin Noise (Unity3D C#)
Real-time 3D Perlin Noise converted from a silverlight/c# code to Unity C#. Actually I wanted to do this kind of normal mapped waves effect, but it didnt work yet.. see blender video: iWave + Dynamic Paint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO8obet1Qe4 This could be used for many things: – […]
Substances Terrain Tool (free)
@Allegorithmic: Just released Substance Terrain Tool, a nice work-around to make #substances work with #unity terrains: j.mp/t2xip0 (it’s free!) Asset store link: http://u3d.as/content/allegorithmic/substance-terrain-tool/2pv * Requires Unity Pro for best results and workflow
Fluids – Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (Unity3D C# source)
SPH fluids test (see wiki) Screenshot only..as its currently using debug.line for the drawing, would need pro for gl.lines. Its converted from this java to Unity C# (my first C# program, yay!) http://www.jamesdedge.com/SPHApplet.html < click to view java version in action (google up for the […]
mVertexPainter v1.0 (demo + scene with source)
VertexPainter – basic version 1.0. You could probably do some cool effects with this: – Make it as an editor script (like this: http://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/03/24/ninjacamp-iii-vertex-awesome/ ) – Damage marks on collision – Transparency based on vertex colors – Character customization, paint player colors, car colors.. – […]
Vector3 maths for dummies!
Yay! The best & easiest vector3 math tutorials so far! https://processing.org/tutorials/pvector Also check out these videos: Vector Dot Product and Vector Length http://www.khanacademy.org/video/vector-dot-product-and-vector-length?playlist=Linear+Algebra More good videos on the site: http://www.khanacademy.org
City gen for 29usd (offer has finished, price is now 79usd)
Hi, ShareIt offer, if enought people join in, they are selling city gen software for 29usd. http://www.gamr7.com/init/urban_pad/special The Ürban PAD ShareIt! Special We’re very excited to announce the Ürban PAD ShareIt! Special. For two weeks, get the powerful Ürban PAD modeling suite for just $29. […]
Free Substance Player (editor)
On the latest 3DArtist magazine CD, there is a free Substance player, which allows editing of substance materials. Also included are 20 free substances, probably the same free ones that are on asset store(?) *It seems to be free download here also: http://www.allegorithmic.com/products/player
Vortex test
Quick vortex test.. related to this topic: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/102240-Water-Vortex-Effect. (the model is just normal spindle, which is twisted in the middle..) webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mvortex1/ download: mVortexOld.unityPackage
WIP: Yet Another Fake Shadow v1.0
Testing shader that casts fake shadows (in unity free version), it takes account your light position/direction. Mostly taken from this: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Shadow_Volumes_in_Alpha < that works in pro only.. So far can get some shadow or light projected, but getting some artifacts around the caster object and […]
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