SeaShoreShader (test)
Testing something similar to this ( http://unitycoder.com/blog/2012/02/12/fake-water-shader-refraction/ ) but for sea & beach. (its all-in-one-shader & all-in-one-mesh for unity indie..) Current features v1.0: (main image^) – Looks horrible – Beach texture – Sea surface texture (uv-animated, with some distortions) – Surface Hue property Ideas: – […]
DummyCraft / Chunk Renderer (js)
Yay..somebody has started a minecraft-style terrain tutorial here: http://www.blocksters.com/node/57 Converted the ChunkRenderer to unity javascript and it worked!..Oo (see image#1) (now just waiting for the next parts of the tutorial..) While waiting, added other sides for the planes + uv (see main image ^) Its […]
Raycast Visibility 2.2
This is just a updated version of the: fake realtime raycast shadows (its not really shadows though..) Features in v2.0 Mesh is pre-build In update loop we just modify the existing vertices (no need to triangulate, create uv’s, etc in every frame) 50000 raycasts starts […]
Unity 3.5 Download
is out now, Download: http://unity3d.com/unity/download/ Whats new: http://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/unity-3.5
Fake Water Shader
Testing “fake” water shader & trying to make a nice looking river scene (with unity free version..) Webplayer(s): http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFakeRiver4/ (*7mb) http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFakeRiver5/ Current “features”: Terrain textures & stones are from: Advanced Terrain Shaders v2 Terrain modeled with heightmap, imported to Unity with mTerrain Unity Terrain + […]
2D Wave Map + Vertex Displacement Shader
This is a new test version of the “2D Water/Fluid fx“. (screenshot looks better than the actualk demo : ) Features: – Vertex displacement shader (using the wave data as displacement map) – UV anim + UV mixing for that water (too bad its not […]
Distance Blur Shader for Texture
Testing texture blurring in shader..using camera depth to determinate distance.
Win Free Copies of Unity books
Win Free Copies of Unity books Readers would be pleased to know that we have teamed up with Packt Publishing and are organizing a Giveaway for you and six lucky winners stand a chance to win a copy of the best-selling books on Unity. […]
Bitmap2Mesh (release v3.0)
Bitmap to 3D Extruded Mesh-script. Related to this forum topic (unity forum link) What it is? It reads bitmap pixel by pixel, checks if pixel alpha value is > 0, then add vertice there (but skip adding, if we are going the same direction) (it […]
Unity3D Online Error Code Database (wip)
Planning to make somekind of Online Error Code Database for Unity, where you could search by the error #id and get comments / solutions for it.. Still thinking, if should use wiki-platform or something else.. Actually could embed the search into Unity editor..hmm..(?)
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