[Asset Store] Terrain Rotator
Small editor plugin to rotate terrain data (not the actual terrain object, it cannot be rotated). — Asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/terrain-rotator-21303?aid=1101lGti — Ideas / Feature requests: – Include terrain scaling tool – Lightmap rotation – Terrain flip/mirrot — Video/Screen capture: (coming later..) — You never need […]
[Asset Store] Terrain Tools
I’ve started to update & maintain this Tom’s Terrain Tool’s package (as the original owner is busy and he was looking for someone to continue working on this). It’s basically a tool for using splatmaps (externally generated) to generate terrains inside unity (with trees, roads […]
Grass Maker for Mesh Terrain (wip)
Trying to make some basic grass/plants generator for mesh terrain.. (not terrain object). (This is part of Mesh Terrain/Splatmap Tool) FEATURES – Editor plugin: Generates grass billboard planes(quads) over mesh surface (using raycast..) – Checks splatmap color, if its over certain threshold, then add grass […]
TerraVol + Photon Networking
Had to test it, how it would work if connect TerraVol with Photon.. Surprisingly it only took few clicks! Webplayer demo: coming later Notes – Import/Open TerraVol project (needs to be purchased from assetstore) – Import Photon networking http://u3d.as/content/exit-games/photon-unity-networking-free/2ey – Setup photon (follow instructions, mainly […]
Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jam #3
Again didn’t have time to do much.. (spend about 4-6hrs on this). All the assets are free from AssetStore, just made the terrain and placed buildings, forest, added some effects.. Webplayer: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/227470828/index.html *70mb — Image#2:
Mesh Terrain Texturing/SplatMap Tool (wip)
Small editor plugin for creating splatmap/splatmask for mesh based terrain. (not terrain object) Current features: – Create splatmap based on face angles (adjustable slope angles) – Texture painting (paint to any layer R, G, B, A) – Obstacle detection (if collider is founded on mesh, […]
Scorched Earth Terrain (wip)
This is another thing that i’ve always wanted to try in Unity, Scorched Earth deformable collapsing terrain (youtube link). Ideas: 1 – Using SetPixels() with texture would most likely be easiest, just slow on bigger resolutions (but no need high resolution for this anyways?) 2 […]
Terrain test (2)
New terrain test (looks better than the old terrain test). Still problems creating a splatmap in world machine (it becomes overbright >1), havent found any tutorial how to do it automatically in wm2 – searched the whole internet (twice). This version almost works, some color […]
World Machine Terrain Test
Some World Machine terrain heightmap + textures on Unity terrain (doesnt look good at near distance) Seems quite low resolution? Using default specular terrain shader. Maybe some of these shaders would be better, http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/146808-ats-Colormap-terrain-shader-RELEASED Check the new test also: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2013/02/21/terrain-test-2/ Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/TerrainTest1/ Download source: later.. […]
Mesh to Voxels
Modified this 3ds max mesh2voxels script (see scripts page) to export voxel data for unity, then constructed the voxels with Voxel Terrain. Some axis is still wrong.. Trying to make some terrain in 3ds max, then import that as voxel terrain level for unity..
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