Verlet Integration
Testing Verlet Integration for Unity, converted from processing/java. (screenshot doesnt look too interesting..) (Verlet Integration Example by Ira Greenberg , licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and GNU GPL license) So far the ropelines work fine, looks like realistic physics.. Not sure if I […]
Fluidplane / Raindrops
Something similar to the wave map maker, but using different technique. (converted / modified from processing/java, original author Jared “BlueThen” C. – licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and GNU GPL license) Still have to fix the colors and try some shaders with that.. […]
Diamond Square Algorithm
Converted Diamond Square Algorithm / random midpoint displacement fractal from Processing (original by “Justin Seyster”) to Unity C#. *See also related forum topic. Release#1: – Color32 array with SetPixels32() (instead of plotting each pixel at a time..) – Replaced “/2” with “*0.5f” (supposed to be […]
Hairy Ball with Cloth
Ball with instantiated cloth pieces at vertices. (doesnt look like hair actually..but maybe if the cloth pieces are smaller) Starts to get slow with >100 cloth objects..but looks interesting.. Ideas: – Nice effect if you put upwards force to the cloths, it starts floating the […]
Shadow Casting + Convex Hull = More Fake Shadows
Combine Simple Shadow Casting & Monotone Chain Convex Hull and you have…more fake shadows for unity indie!!1 Works fine for a box..should try the teapot next. Details: – Calculate vectors from the light, through every vertex in target object, lengthen the vector until reach ground […]
Monotone Chain Convex Hull Algorithm
Finally got atleast some 2D convex hull algorithm working.. this one is converted from those Java & Python versions. Converted the java version first and it kept giving strange results, then took the sub() from python and it worked rightaway.. Now can try this for […]
Fake Shadow Ideas: Using Particles as Light Photons?
This is quite an early test.. what if you use particles as “light photons” ? Then no need to do raycasting? Current features: (main screenshot) – Shuriken particle system, Shape: Cone, angle:90 – Collision planes on those white boxes (uh..shuriken doesnt support “world collisions”, only […]
The Return Of The Fake Vertex Shadow
Yay..more realtime fake shadows, using similar technique like this old fake vertex shadows test Features: – VertexLit shader with texture – Linecast each vertex towards light, if we can reach light, then lets shine, otherwise stay dark.. – In the webplayer, 15 vertices are scanned […]
Clouds using Particles
Testing clouds with particles (after seeing this: “Clouds – mr.doob“) If you look at the source, it seems they are using 8000 planes and custom shader (should be easy to port in unity..) Problem with particles is that they start to turn near camera, as […]
Texture Paint with Soft Brush
Now that the Android Basic is free, trying to make a simple multi-finger painter program as a test.. Current features: – Orthographic camera, with full view sized drawing plane (see forum: Creating plane of dynamic sizes) – Special shader that uses that drawing texture as […]
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